Tree Planting Services in Oakville

We believe that tree planting is an investment in the health and well-being of our planet and your home. Trees and shrubs provide numerous benefits to homeowners, including clean air, shade, privacy, and wildlife habitats. Our team of tree planting and shrub installation experts is dedicated to ensuring that every new tree we plant adds value to your property and thrives in its location.

Professional Arborist Services with Royal Spruce

After a consultation with you to understand what you’re looking for, we begin by conducting a thorough site assessment to determine the best tree species for your location based on factors such as soil quality, sun exposure, and drainage. We consider your desired aesthetics and maintenance requirements to ensure that the tree we plant is the perfect fit for your needs.

Our tree arborists handle the actual planting of the tree, making sure it is properly positioned and rooted in the soil. We also prepare the soil with the necessary nutrients and organic matter to promote healthy root growth and provide ongoing watering and fertilization services to help the tree establish strong roots and healthy growth.

We pride ourselves on providing top-quality tree care services, including pruning to promote healthy growth and shape, and monitoring for any pests and diseases.

Our goal is to ensure that your newly planted tree thrives and adds value to your property for years to come. Whether you’re looking to add beauty, privacy, or shade to your property, planting a tree is a great investment.

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Our Core Services

Landscaping Services to

Create Your Oasis

Bring your outdoor space to life and have the most unique property in your neighbourhood with our comprehensive range of services, designed to transform and elevate your property.

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Expect a response within 24 hours of contacting us.

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